Jun 7, 2012

ProFema for Menopause Relief

Menopause is a natural process of aging yet it comes with some uncomfortable side effects such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue and mood swings. At any age a woman does not want to be slowed down by her body's balance and therefore there is a booming market for supplements aiming to provide comfort and relief for women going through this process.ProFema aims to combat these side effects. Although there are many supplements claiming to achieve the same, ProFema takes a different approach. Whilst other pills contain just the active ingredients...

Natrol Black Cohosh Review for Menopause Relief

Black Cohosh is an all-natural ingredient used for its medicinal properties. It is from the buttercup family and is a plant native to North America. In native American times this plant was used to treat a whole host of conditions such as menstrual cramps, muscle pain, sore throats, coughs, indigestion and arthritis.In more recent years it was used for rheumatism (arthritis and muscle pain) but has recently been found to be useful in the treatment for the side effects of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Black Cohosh also have some...

Necessary Tests in the First Quarter of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a major change in a woman's life, on the one hand the physical and mental changes characteristic of this period. First trimester of pregnancy and the first 12 weeks, is the most important and decisive stage in the future child's harmonious development.Unfortunately, over 60% of all pregnancies do not survive more than 2-3 months, or stop evolution or progress to miscarriage, without taking into account the multitude of voluntary abortions "on demand". Misconduct are the main causes that induce changes in chromosomal abnormalities...

Natural Cures for Endometriosis 3

Endometriosis is the medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus or endometrium cause pelvic pain in different ways. There are natural cures for endometriosis which vary from woman to woman depending on the effectiveness of the cure. There is no specific cure for endometriosis, in many people menopause will abate the process. One theory suggests that endometriosis is an auto immune condition. So in that case if the immune system is compromised with food intolerance, a cure is to remove that food from the diet and in some people...

Remifemin Review - Menopause Relief Supplement

As any woman who has or is soon to experience the symptoms of menopause knows, there is a great deal of physical and emotional discomfort associated with it. The strains put on the female body these days matched with the hormonal imbalances that are becoming all to common in today's society. Relief is not always easy to find, especially without the use of doctor prescribed medication. Remifemin is a compromise of sorts, and appeals even to those who do not enjoy taking herbal supplements.Many do not realize that herbal supplements can have the...

Ostomates and Childbirth

Many lady ostomates have questioned their ability to have children, and in the process have either postponed or done away with the idea of becoming pregnant. However, experience and studies have shown that ostomies are seldom a deterrent. Close professional monitoring throughout the gestation and delivery can just about assure a normal and memorable experience.Pre-Conception:Most doctors would likely recommend at least a year to recoup from the surgery followed by a complete medical evaluation to assess reproductive health before attempting conception....

Pregnancy Cravings: Dangerous or Not?

Pregnancy cravings are common and most women experience them. These strong food cravings are probably triggered by hormonal changes or a possible nutritional deficiency. They can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but commonly occur in the first trimester. In fact, pregnancy cravings in first semester can often be one of the first signs of pregnancy.Early pregnancy cravings can be mild or very intense. They are not dangerous for your health, but you need to remember that your baby needs all important nutrients so you need to resist the urge to...

Reserveage Menopause Advantage Pill

Hitting the menopause can be a stressful time with a lot of discomfort and unwelcome distractions from your busy daily life. Many supplements and menopause aids claim to help reduce symptoms and return your body to a comfortable state. Menopause Advantage is a new supplement claiming to do just that.The main issue as women age is the reduction in the hormone estrogen which is higher when a woman in of a fertile age. The reduction in this hormone creates an unbalance, which at first can cause negative side effects. By combining two key ingredients,...

Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones

There are many pills and supplements designed to help women during menopause, many containing a very long list of ingredients. Some would argue that it is healthier to take supplements individually. Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones is a supplement used during the menopause for hormonal unbalance. One of the key issues in the female body during menopause is the unbalance of hormones and lack of estrogen. Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones aims to bring the body back to normal hormonal level, which in turn reduces many unwelcome side effects of the menopause....

Preventing Yeast Infections 101

Yeast infections affect 3 out of 4 women. Many are recurring sufferers without a clue in preventing yeast infections, which can be annoying and embarrassing most of the time. Some of us don't like to admit it, because of the "nasty" opinions others put on us, but it's really not that serious and it's completely natural. The irritation, the itching, and the discomfort can make you crazy. The sad part is when you think it's vanished; it sneaks right back on you and sometimes even worse than before, making your life miserable.The key if you suffer...