Jun 7, 2012

Preventing Yeast Infections 101

Yeast infections affect 3 out of 4 women. Many are recurring sufferers without a clue in preventing yeast infections, which can be annoying and embarrassing most of the time. Some of us don't like to admit it, because of the "nasty" opinions others put on us, but it's really not that serious and it's completely natural. The irritation, the itching, and the discomfort can make you crazy. The sad part is when you think it's vanished; it sneaks right back on you and sometimes even worse than before, making your life miserable.

The key if you suffer with recurring yeast infections is to figure out what's the cause, then incorporate some preventative methods. If not you will only clear up the yeast infection flare-up instead of actually keeping the overgrowth of yeast at bay. There are ways in preventing yeast infections that can permanently remedy this aggravating problem. In addition, you can alleviate the harsh pharmaceuticals from your routine yeast infection outbreaks and cure yeast infections permanently.


Yeast infections are caused by Candida albicans, which are bacteria present in the vaginal area. This is the most common and frequent symptom of a Candida imbalance is, but symptoms can also include chronic headaches, unexplained fatigue, depression, and other frequent infections throughout the body. This bacteria is kept at bay by the healthy bacteria. However, if the good bacteria are compromised, the candida can multiply hastily and cause an infection.

There are unlimited reasons why you may suffer with one, including:

A weakened immune system.

A change in the vaginal environment.



Increased pH.

Increased heat and moisture.

Allergic reactions.

Hormonal changes.

Unhealthy bacteria over-populating.


Wear cotton underwear.

Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and shorts.

Change wet clothes immediately.

Douching is a NO, NO!

Don't use scented powders, scented tampons, and feminine deodorant sprays.

Wipe from front to back after using the bathroom to avoid spreading bacteria from the anus to the vagina.

Beware when you're taking antibiotics, they also destroy the healthy bacteria while killing off bad germs from an infection.


Boost your immunity.

Try to keep stress levels low, at least try.

Include natural healthy cultures of "GOOD" bacteria in your diet.


The only way to this annoying problem is to take control of your body. You get different results when you try something different.

Complete relief is possible for your feminine health!

As a long time user, researcher, and advocate of natural products Tawanna L Myles is an author, product developer, and natural wellness consultant who is committed to serving women by providing education, research, and the finest quality of effective natural supplements. Get more info about health cultures of "good" bacteria at http://www.tryyefense.com/.


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