One of the most interesting things about exercise science is the difference between men and women. For instance, the way that a man gets a six pack is not necessarily the same way that a woman gets six pack abs. The purpose of this article is to differentiate between the sexes and figure out how to get a six pack for women.
As we may already know, fat is the biggest hurdle in getting six pack abs. No matter how many crunches you do, or how many core strength any exercises that you may try, at the end of the day if you are reducing your fat all those exercises and all that work goes to not.
Unfortunately for women, they commonly have higher percentages of body fat than men. As a woman, it is important that before you start exercising for getting that six pack, you need to take a good honest look at your body fat percentage. I certainly do not condone any sort of extreme dieting, and this really isn't about losing weight, this is about reducing the unhealthy fat and replacing it with a good solid exercise routine.
There are really two ways you can go about this. If you want to try and get the six pack, then that is what you need to focus on. A lot of people get confused between strengthening your core and trying to get a six pack. These are two very different approaches, though some of the exercises may be the same, most of the exercise programs will have different areas of concern and focus.
Again, for women in may just be enough to have a flat tummy and you may not necessarily need to go to the extreme of having the six pack. It is important to know what you actually want out of your hard work, seeing how different the two methods are.
So, if you're a woman and and you are wanting to get that awesome six pack ab thing going then you really need to focus first on fat burning workouts. Yes... We're talking about cardio, but not just cardio. Interesting fact: some of the best fat burning exercises have nothing to do with cardio but have more to do with weightlifting.
I will give you a little secret, the best fat burning exercise that you can engage in isn't running, it is and bicycling, it is swimming. Have you ever seen a swimmer before? I personally know a bunch of swimmers who only swim and still have amazingly lean bodies. 1/2 hour a day in the pool will cut your fat tremendously. Don't let me fool you, swimming is tough. I personally prefer to run and then do some upper body work, but swimming is really where it is at in terms of burning fat per minute exercised.
So if you're looking to cut the fat from your belly, I would recommend starting a swimming routine. Once you start to notice the fat melting away, then you can begin to focus on the actual sculpting exercises for your six pack abs.
If you're looking for a complete top to bottom program, something that will end all of the researching and high personal training costs then check the website I have in my info box to the right. It has two sections: one for men, and one for women so it is really handy and very specific. I highly recommend it.
Again, let me just reiterate the point that there are really two major pathways for women looking to develop a nice set of six pack abs. If you are just interested in a flat tummy, swimming may be enough. But if you are wanting to get a six pack for women then you need a couple swimming with some sculpting exercises.
Women have different needs than men. That is why learning how to get a six pack fast requires an entirely separate training program.
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