Pregnancy cravings are common and most women experience them. These strong food cravings are probably triggered by hormonal changes or a possible nutritional deficiency. They can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but commonly occur in the first trimester. In fact, pregnancy cravings in first semester can often be one of the first signs of pregnancy.
Early pregnancy cravings can be mild or very intense. They are not dangerous for your health, but you need to remember that your baby needs all important nutrients so you need to resist the urge to eat only the food you crave the most. Healthy, balanced meals are important for your child's development.
Common Pregnancy Cravings
A woman can have any type of pregnancy craving. It's not usual to have a strong preference for salty, sweet or spicy foods. These strong cravings often occur at night. While a woman can crave any food, there are some very common cravings that most women experience.
Common cravings include:
Pickles. This is the most common craving. Pickles are rich in salt and water, and women need more sodium in pregnancy. Another popular choice are olives.Sweets. Ice cream and chocolate are high on the list of popular food cravings. Chocolate is rich in iron and magnesium, and it's recommended to choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Other women crave ice cream or cupcakes.Cheese. This is one of the healthiest cravings but it may signalize lack of calcium.Bacon. This craving often comes with a craving for cheese. It may signalize an increased need for proteins and fats.Other popular cravings: peanut butter, eggs, apples, potatoes.Weird Pregnancy Cravings
It's important to understand that your food cravings, even if they are unusual, are normal. These cravings are not a threat, as long as you remember to eat balanced meals. However, there are some weird cravings that are dangerous. This condition is known as pica, and it manifests itself as a strange craving for different substances. Some of these non-food items can be very dangerous for your baby and you.
Some women crave strange things during pregnancy, such as chalk, clay, dirt and other substances. This may seem very odd, but these weird pregnancy cravings are real. It's not really clear why pica happens, but it's sometimes a signs of nutritional deficiency. For example, your body needs more calcium or iron and this is why you get these strange pregnancy cravings.
It's important to resist the urge to eat these substances, since they can be very harmful for your child and yourself. This is particularly true for eating clay or dirt, which contains high percentage of lead. This can be very harmful to your child and it can lead to various problems, such as decreased verbal IQ or delayed motor skill development.
Medical professionals agree that you should consult your doctor if you experience pica. You will be tested for nutritional deficiency. It is crucial to resist the urge to eat non-food items at all costs. Resisting these strange pregnancy cravings is important for your baby's health.
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