Jun 7, 2012

Remedies for Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Overactive bladder syndrome can cause quite a bit of discomfort in the lives of those who have the condition. During the night, sufferers may wake up several times to relieve themselves. They may even find it difficult to attend work functions without having to take multiple breaks. If individuals discover that they are urinating frequently, they should see a urologist. A professional can take note of the symptoms and determine whether further tests will be needed to make a formal diagnosis. In very rare cases, the underlying cause might be bladder cancer. For this reason, it is better to see a doctor sooner rather than later.

Older individuals are usually affected at a much higher rate. In men, the condition may be linked to prostate issues. Physicians will expect patients to describe their symptoms as openly as possible. This will help urologists ultimately rule out some of the more serious causes. If the specific situation warrants, people may even be given some medication to relax some of the muscles that could be causing the issues. During the physical exam itself, the urologist will look for abnormalities in the area, which may include distended tissue.

One specific cause of the syndrome might be excessive consumption of caffeine. If individuals have been overworked recently and have been drinking a lot of coffee or soda, then urination frequency will probably increase. Men and women can cut back on the caffeine or perhaps even cease consuming it completely. Substituting water or juice can eliminate the problem while also reducing anxiety in the meantime. In rare cases, some individuals may have developed a caffeine addiction, and thus will require a bit more time to reduce their overall intake to reasonable levels. With gradual progress over several days, they should eventually see less issues with their bladders.

If all other plans of attack fail, surgery may be an option. Surgeons can generally increase the size of the bladder itself using other bodily tissues. This way, the amount of urine that is capable of being held can be greatly increased. When this path is chosen, a careful consultation should be arranged. The patient will then be privy to all the pros and cons of this kind of operation. They can subsequently decide whether to move forward and schedule the surgery.

People who develop overactive bladder syndrome should ultimately take steps to improve their situation. Through lifestyle choices, medications, and even surgery, they can relieve the symptoms and get back to a more normal life. A support group of close friends and relatives will help.
The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

If you are interested in information on overactive bladder syndrome and/or overactive bladder help, be sure to visit http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers.aspx.


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