Black Cohosh is an all-natural ingredient used for its medicinal properties. It is from the buttercup family and is a plant native to North America. In native American times this plant was used to treat a whole host of conditions such as menstrual cramps, muscle pain, sore throats, coughs, indigestion and arthritis.
In more recent years it was used for rheumatism (arthritis and muscle pain) but has recently been found to be useful in the treatment for the side effects of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Black Cohosh also have some interesting chemical effects that may promote healthy brain function in a similar way to serotonin. It is known to mostly help with the immune system, hormonal balance and inflammation of the body. Hence it's many different uses. Its effects on menopausal women are similar to that of estrogen and it is often clamed that it also supports the proper use of estrogen in the body.
The fresh dried roots and underground stems of the plant are the part used medically and can be taken in many forms such as teas, capsules and liquid extracts. This makes the supplement easy to consume for people who have problems swallowing pills or capsules.
One study found that the extract was beneficial to menopausal symptoms over a six-month period. However, a year long study did not find any significant health benefits in the particular test group used. More research is still being done on the effects of Black Cohosh as so many women claim to use it effectively and continuously.
As Black Cososh is said to possibly promote the production of estrogen, it is to be taken with care. Women with medical issues focused around hormonal changes and productions should stay away from this extract. For example, women who are pregnant or have any cancer of the breast, prostate, ovaries or uterus.
Black Cohosh has some possible side effects such as indigestion, headaches, nausea, perspiration, vomiting, weight gain and low blood pressure. Excessive doses can lead to seizures, visual disturbances and slow or irregular heart beat. However these are rare and if the extract is taken as recommended are very unlikely. Of course, if a consumer has any allergies to plants and flowers it is important to find out if Black Cohosh is appropriate to be taken.
As a single extract, women are directed to take two capsules per day. The benefits and effects of the supplement may take some time to occur but are said to do so if taken regimentally.
Get the facts and read more reviews here: Natrol Black Cohosh
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