Jun 7, 2012

Prenatal Fitness Programmes Keep Mums in Shape

You've just found out that you are going to have a baby. Yippee! "I will take more care of myself, stop smoking, stop drinking, eat for two and lie around all day looking after me". Stop right there! Certainly, stop smoking forever, stop drinking and eat really healthily, including lots of protein, fruit and vegetables but you actually need to up your exercise regime if you want a healthy baby and if you want to be fit and well through the pregnancy and if you want your figure back after the birth.

Keeping fit during pregnancy will help your body through this time and will prepare you for childbirth. It will also help tremendously in your recovery after childbirth. By doing simple fitness exercises, strengthening exercises and components of pilates and yoga, you will stay fit and healthy through the entire nine months and you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you bounce back after the birth of your baby.

Your prenatal fitness programme should be designed by pregnancy experts who will explain that getting your exercise when you are pregnant is extremely important in terms of taking care of your baby as well as yourself. Did you know that pre-natal exercises actually strengthen your baby's heart? Not only that, as we all know, exercising at all ages, prenatal through to old age increases IQ and cognitive abilities so if you exercise when you are pregnant you can substantially increase your baby's IQ and yours at the same time! Everybody wins.

Another study has revealed that exercising just 30 minutes on most days of the week may help prevent gestational diabetes which is a factor in the development of preeclampsia, a potentially serious pregnancy complication. There is absolutely no doubt that partaking in an exercise programme during pregnancy is essential for your good health and your baby's health. Partaking in a prenatal fitness programme is as important as your monthly visits to your doctor or midwife and your prenatal classes. Also you will find that exercising with other pregnant women will give you the chance to swap notes on all aspects of your pregnancy and being in a class will encourage your participation as it is so much more fun doing this type of activity in a group.

Just imagine how good you will feel when you have had your baby and all those baby pounds have disappeared. Enroll in a class today and get exercising for you and your baby.

Samantha has 5 years of experience in fitness for to be mums and works for YummyMummy Fitness in NZ. YummyMummy Fitness is the ultimate fitness solution for mums to be and mums who want to gain strength and lose the baby weight. They offer a variety of exercise classes including prenatal fitness classes, Core Rebuild, Stroller Bootcamp, Mum's a Knockout, Play!, Health & Beauty Workshops, Personal Training to lose baby weight and Educational Coffee Group Talks.


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