A yeast infection is very common among pregnant women. This condition is caused by bacteria Candida Albican. These bacteria are usually present in the body and they cause no harm. During the pregnancy period, there are many changes that take place in the body of the pregnant woman that may cause a drastic increase in the number of Candida Albican. Such a sudden increase could result to yeast infection.
Treating yeast infection during pregnancy is not as easy as it is during any other time. This is because most of the over the counter medicines used could harm the growing child. It is therefore very important to ensure that every medicine taken is approved by your doctor. There are two forms of medicines that are commonly used to treat yeast infections during pregnancy. They include natural remedies, suppositories and vaginal creams.
Natural treatments are the best and safest methods to treat these infections. The most commonly used natural method is by use of yogurt. You should include yogurt in your daily meals and with time you will realize that the irritation that resulted from the infections is gone. Yogurt contains the right amount of good bacteria that are able to fight the infection. Yogurt has been used over a long period of time to treat yeast infections. If you don't like the taste of yogurt, you can take a tampon and apply yogurt on it. Insert the tampon and ensure that the yogurt reaches where the infection is. After repeating this procedure for some time, the symptoms should go away after a short time.
Another safe natural option to treat yeast infections is the use of vinegar. A mixer of vinegar and water is very effective when applied at the point of infection. This mixer can be applied on a tampon and then inserting the tampon right on the point of infection. Another way of using vinegar is by applying apple cider vinegar in lukewarm bath water.
Vaginal creams and suppositories
Vaginal creams should be used as per the directions of your doctor. It takes around 10 and 14 days to clear the symptoms of yeast infections. Apply these creams until all the infection is gone and all the sores healed. To ensure that the infection does not recur, it will be important to apply Nystatin powder or starch free drying powders. There are further measures that you should take to ensure that you stay away from yeast infections
How to prevent recurrence of yeast infections?
Always ensure that you wear loosely fitting cotton clothing to ensure that your body can breathe freely.Every time after taking a bath, blow your genital area using a blow drier set at cool settings. After every visit to the restroom, always wipe from front to back. After swimming, change your swimsuit immediately. If you have come from workouts, change all the dump cloths immediately and take a shower. Avoid colored tissue papers, tampons with deodorant, feminine hygiene sprays, sanitary pads or bubble baths.Reduce the intake of sugars.Always include yogurt as part of your meals. Allow your body to rest to boost its ability to fight infections.
Max is a guy who loves to read, write and share. If you want more information on yeast infection, or simply have questions about it. Visit his website at powerupyourbody.com.
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