Jun 6, 2012

How to Make Time Your Friend Not Your Enemy

As working moms, wives, and so much more our biggest challenge is managing time. We constantly fear that we do not have enough time in the day to get it all done. Some may say this is an unrealistic fear when compared to others, however, working from 9 - 5 commuting to and from work for 30 minutes to an hour already puts us at a disadvantage with time. Most of us will get home anywhere between 6-7 pm which leaves us with maybe 3 hours for our family, and self and usually me time is spent sleeping. But what if time really wasn't the problem, or even the way we manage it? As I have learned everything starts with your mindset so what if the way we view our time was really the issue instead of lack of time.

You often here time is money, but do you watch your time like you watch your money? I would bet it's a no. But unlike money when we spend time we cannot get it back. We cannot work hard to make up the difference. So we should actually manage our time way better than we manage our money. If you were only given $24 for today how would you spend it? You knew a portion of it was already allocated to different aspects of your life, such as tithes, bills, and so on, and at the end of it all you really only had $5 to do whatever you want with. How would you spend that $5? Getting an additional $24 tomorrow was not guaranteed and you couldn't save any money for tomorrow. What would be the best use of this $5?

This is exactly how we should think of our time. We are only given 24 hours and a portion of it is already gone. We know this so why do we fret and dwell over the time already spent. We spend a significant portion of our day at work and may an hour or two going to work and coming home. So why do we even get upset about that? It's what we do. We should now really focus on the time left over and how we can best use that time to satisfy all that we need. Will you spend an hour of the time watching a reality show or doing puzzles with your kids? Will you spend that time fussing or drinking a nice glass of wine with your spouse? How about spending an hour in the bath or out with the girls (that will be more than an hour, hehehehe).

I want to challenge you to stop thinking about all the time we spend doing the things we will do anyway, and start thinking about the time you do have figure out how you can make that time work for you. Although tomorrow is not promised we don't have to do it all in one day. Prepare for tomorrow but spend your time wisely today.

You will surprised on how much time you really have once you make time your friend. You will be able to do more things for yourself, while still nurturing your marriage and taking care of your family. All the tips in the world about time management cannot help you until you really get a good grasp on how valuable time really is. To help you achieve this you can download this free audio that will give you one tip that will help you gain more time in the day and achieve all that you need so you will no longer live your life with working mom guilt. You can download your free audio here: http://theworkinghousewife.com/for-working-moms-only


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