Jun 7, 2012

How to Use Orange, Purple and Green to Strengthen Your Words, Actions and Natural Colouring

The world would be a boring place without colour. Most of us are visual and we instantly judge people and places through the colours we see on. Our language is full of colour words which we use to vividly describe our feelings on everything that is happening in our lives.

Colour can invoke feelings of happiness like the colours of a festival; prejudice like the different skin colour of someone we meet or daydreaming like the colours of a favourite holiday place.

Green, orange and purple are called secondary colours. They are the colours made up from two primary colours either side of them. Red and yellow create orange, red and blue create purple and blue and yellow create green.

Every colour has both positive and negative emotions and perceptions attached to it.

Here is my short guide to help you use the western world's view of secondary colours to strengthen your words, actions and natural colouring.

Orange: Love It or Hate It

As a mixture of red and yellow, orange is definitely a warm colour. Those with cool tones in their face and hair rarely touch it. Those with brown, olive or red tones love it.

Orange is one of the Feng Shui fire colours and is used to strengthen concentration. In restaurants, it is used to make you hungry and sociable and so spend more money. Orange once meant cheap in business but now it is a colour for the 21st century as it relates to emotions and connections between people.

Extroverts love the brighter and deeper shades of orange. Quieter Extroverts lean towards peach and apricot tones. Introverts rarely wear the colour. If orange suits you and you want to make an impact, wear both orange and purple or orange and aqua blue.

Wearing orange or eating orange food acts like a natural antidepressant. Orange renews your interest in life and lifts your spirits. Use it to re-commit and to get up and go again.

Purple: Power and Royalty

Once kept only for royalty because it was a hard colour to make, purple still exudes an image of being special. It is made up of red and blue - a warm and cool mixture that suits everyone.

Purple is regarded as a feminine power colour as the blue makes the red less intimidating and together they project an image of serene confidence. Purple is power through consultation. Many people who work in the personal development or natural therapies industries use or wear purple because of the spiritual and the creative aspects of the colour. Purple represents one of the higher level chakras in the body.

Go for mulberry or cerise which are red-purple colours if you have warmer skin tones and go for royal purple which is a blue-purple if you have a cooler skin tone. Wear purple with fuchsia pink for a dramatic, extrovert effect or try lilac and soft turquoise for a soft, gentle, introvert effect.

Green: A Colour of Mixed Emotions

We eat green foods for health yet avoid those foods that have gone mouldy green. We love our earth looking green yet run for cover when the sky has the green tinges of an approaching hailstorm. Green is the colour of luck and especially the luck of the Irish. Green also is associated with wealth and many people carry their money in a green purse or wallet to attract more money into their lives. On the negative side, green is the colour of jealousy and envy.

Yellow and blue make green - so there is a shade of green to suit every person whether it is lime green for Springs, forest green for Winters or olive green for Autumns to name a few. Think about what feelings and energy you want to convey and then choose a green shade that is appropriate for that message and your colouring.

Go now and play with orange, purple and green. Look, think and feel how you can add these colours so that your looks, your words and your actions all speak the same language.

Margaret Sims is an Image Consultant and Fashion Translator. Margaret helps quiet achieving business women over 40 shine confidently in a world of noisy experts. If this is you, visit http://thefashiontranslator.wordpress.com/ Blog for more fashion tips. At both the Blog and Margaret's website - http://www.yourfuturedirection.com.au/ you can sign up to get the free twice-monthly newsletter and receive your free eBook and Audio - 'Look Fabulous, Feel Confident Every Day'.


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