Jun 7, 2012

Smart Women and Their Relationship With Money

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the day strategizing with a group of smart women entrepreneurs from different parts of the world. It was an energizing day focused on topics such as effective marketing, clear messaging to attract your ideal client, time management and money.

At one point, women were expressing the challenges they face in getting everything accomplished each day including running a business, managing a family, and hopefully time to squeeze in a little self-care.

I shared with the group that when I'm in the office, I ask myself three questions to help me stay focused and directed on making money in my business:

1. Where is the potential for new business?

2. Are my private clients and groups experiencing award-winning results?

3. Have I reached out to my referral sources this week?

Discovering new business opportunities, creating award-winning client results and focusing on my relationships with referral sources are the very best ways to build a successful company for the long-term.

I noticed one woman in the group had a rather strange look on her face and at the break, I went up to her and asked if everything was OK. Her response? "I've never heard a woman speak so freely about making money. It's liberating for me. I love this idea!"

As I travel around the country and meet women from different parts of the globe, this idea that money should not be discussed is universal. I had one woman tell me that she was raised with a belief that "Money is evil." Money is not evil. What you do with the money is what matters.

This opened the door to a freeing, thought-provoking, conversation about why women need to overcome their fear of making money or having money. If your business is not making the money you desire, could it be possible it's due to the relationship you have with money? If your business is barely "surviving" instead of "thriving" I invite you to think about creative ways you can embrace what a positive cash flow could do not only for you but the world.

To ensure that your Big Idea comes to fruition and achieves growth year after year, it's essential that you make money in your business. I'd like to share some ideas about why women and money go together and energize your thinking about why it's key to stay focused on making money:

1. Contributing to the well-being of yourself and your family - It's an empowering feeling to know that your business contributes to taking care of those you love and care about. It builds confidence, self-esteem and instills the idea in your family that you are an equal partner in every area.

2. Contributing to the economy - I'm thrilled to be able to have a small team of women support me in my business and I can help them achieve their goal of working from home. I'm adding value to the flexibility and freedom in their lives.

3. Giving back - I hear from so many women the reason they started their business is because they want to give back to the charities and organizations they feel so strongly about. This has been an emotional driver for me. My desire to give back has continued to grow over the last 3 years and my dream has finally come true. This year, Smart Women Smart Solutions® is now able to make a donation to several non-profits that support women and girls worldwide from coaching programs purchased by women entrepreneurs.

I'm going to invite you to start the process of creating a consistent, positive cash flow so you can use the money to take care of what's important to you. Stop saying, "When I have the money, I will..." and start saying, "Now that my business is experiencing a positive cash flow, I will..."

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.


© 2012 Joy Chudacoff

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000's of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you're ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, FREE Report and FREE MP3 now at Profits With Passion.


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