Jun 6, 2012

False Unicorn Root Strengthens Ovaries and Kidneys In Menopausal Women

It is safe to say that no woman looks forward to menopause. It is simply overwhelming with all the side effects your body feels when it goes through this stage. Sadly, every woman faces menopause as she gets older and her body bids farewell to monthly menstrual cycles and its ability to reproduce. That is a lot of change to handle all at once and it doesn't go without side effects. Menopause graces its victims with a fleet of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, cramps, mood swings, headaches, poor libido, anxiety, and disturbed sleep schedules. False unicorn root is a natural substance that can help treat a number of these unpleasant surprises. Not only does it provide relief, but it helps strengthen the ovaries and kidneys.

False unicorn root is home to eastern United States. The herb has been used for centuries. Early settlers and Native Americans both used the tonic herb as a natural treatment for a number of things-mainly female related. It is the Native Americans that gave false unicorn root the name "Devil's Bit" as they used it as a heal-all herb. Most popularly, the herb helps support healthy female reproductive organs. It helps relieve symptoms associated with menstruation and menopause. It can help with mood swings, cramps, and edema. Edema is another name for the excess water associated with menopause and menstrual cycles. It is the water retention that makes you feel or look blooded. The plant also works to help support healthy kidneys, genitourinary health, and prostate. This is beneficial to both men and women.

Women that are pregnant should not consume false unicorn root. Although the root is useful to help reduce miscarriages, it can also cause side effects if overused. It may cause vomiting-an already dreaded side effect of pregnancy. The herb is not considered dangerous but if you are pregnant and wanting to consumer it, please check with a physician for prior approval and dose recommendations.

You can find false unicorn root naturally in a low, moist grounds. It typically grows to be up to three feet tall and just over a foot in width.

This tonic herb is superbly beneficial for strengthening the uterus and kidneys. This is important for women going through menopause. Women take quite a beating physically when going through menopause. Taking supplements to prepare the body for the change is the best thing a woman can do during this stage in her life. Herbal supplements with false unicorn root in the formula are a great way to naturally restore balance to the body.


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