Every woman needs a remedy for mood swings. Having mood swings is just part of the package of being a woman. But then again, she has her hormones to blame for that. Once a month her hormone balances shift and as a result she gets those sweet mood swings and cramps to go with them. Of course, I am talking about the menstrual cycle. Even when a woman is going through menopause and her cycle permanently stops, she will go through a series of side effects. These side effects go beyond the temperamental mood swings. Menopause also burdens women with hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, and disturbed sleep. Focusing on ridding of side effects, dong quai is an herbal extract that can help relieve a number of symptoms.
Dong quai is also referred to as Chinese Angelica. Not only is it used in Easter medicine but it is popularly used for cooking. Dong quai is also known as the female ginseng and is an herb that is home to China. The herb also contains vitamins A, E, and B12. It is one of the most widely used herbs for treating menopause because of its phytoestrogen characteristics. Phytoestrogens are plant derived estrogen. Plants that are phytoestrogens are capable of pairing with natural estrogens in the body when consumed. For this reason, dong quai is very beneficial to women lacking estrogen during the menopausal stage of their life. It is capable of relieving a number of symptoms by replenishing the body with estrogen.
How does it help? Dong quai is capable of dilating blood vessels and in turn increasing blood flow. Not only does this action help dismiss hot flashes but it helps with vaginal dryness. A common side effect of low libido and estrogen is vaginal dryness, which is part of the reason why sex drive is so low during menopause. By regulating estrogen don quai help control mood swings and relieves stress. This is also beneficial for PMS. On top of helping with side effects related to menopause, this natural herb can help with a number of other illnesses like heart disease.
The best way to consume dong quai is by taking it as a pill. You can find it paired with other herbal extracts in menopause relief formulas. Other ingredients to look for are black cohosh root, soy isoflavones, damiana, and chaste tree berry. All are known for their ability to relieve menopausal symptoms.
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