Jun 6, 2012

Those Dirty Males

Often women say that all men have dirty minds, and whereas, to some degree that maybe true for the most part - what about the rest of them? If we put men and women together we see that generally speaking men do seem to be dirtier, as in real dirt, grime, and bacterial counts than women. At least this is the common perception in our society, but it is so you wonder? Okay so, let's talk about this shall we?

It just turns out that someone actually did a study on this, yes, probably research funded with your tax-dollar basically proving something we already know? There was an interesting article in the New York Times recently on June 1, 2012 titled; "Single-Cell Office Mates, by the Tens of Millions," by Sindyan N. Bhanoo which stated;

"Men's offices have more bacteria than women's offices. Offices in NY houses had more bacteria than those in San Francisco. The study tested five surfaces; chairs, desktops, phones, computer mice and keyboards. The bacteria count in men's offices was 10 to 20 percent greater than in women's."

Now then, as you can imagine when I first read that article, I thought it was a bunch of men haters who hated men, or New York men haters that put that together that article since it was in the New York Times. However, when I did further review for this article I found out that there were actually men and women on that research team who came up with the findings.

Then I figured that the research team must have been from San Francisco because they noted that people in San Francisco were cleaner with less bacterial count than those in New York. Then I wondered if the stereotype was true that homosexual men keep their surroundings cleaner than heterosexual men, as that is the whole gay and even metrosexual motif. Regardless of how you review this research, the facts speak for themselves and those stereotypes only slightly.

Is there an evolutionary reason for this? Do women make better homemakers because they had to, otherwise their offspring would die from disease, whereas men were out gallivanting, hunting down water buffalo, running from sabertooth tigers, and often getting wounded in the process. Evolutionarily speaking that would make sense, however, we are a long ways off from those ancient times living in our modern era and society.

Still, I doubt if any of us are surprised by these findings and if we were to have guessed, we would have assumed that men are dirtier than women, and thus have more bacteria in and around them. In fact, I question this study, not because I'd disagree with the findings, because the percentage is low. It would seem to me that men are at least 80% dirtier in their environment than women. However, in the city maybe things are slightly different. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Self Help Topics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net/


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