Jun 7, 2012

Natural Cures for Endometriosis 3

Endometriosis is the medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus or endometrium cause pelvic pain in different ways. There are natural cures for endometriosis which vary from woman to woman depending on the effectiveness of the cure. There is no specific cure for endometriosis, in many people menopause will abate the process. One theory suggests that endometriosis is an auto immune condition. So in that case if the immune system is compromised with food intolerance, a cure is to remove that food from the diet and in some people it can have an effect. Some common intolerance in people with endometriosis are claimed to be wheat, sugar, meat and dairy. Avoiding foods high on hormones and inflammatory fats also appears to be important in endometriosis pain management. Eating foods high in indole-3-carbinol, such as cruciferous vegetables appears to be helpful in balancing hormones and managing pain.

Another natural cure is the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids in particular EPA, as a food supplement. The use of soy has been reported to both alleviate pain and to aggravate symptoms depending on the person and that means one can try it and monitor oneself to find out if it is indeed helpful for themselves.

Physical therapy for pain management is another natural cure for endometriosis. Physical exertion such as lifting, extended standing or running does exacerbate pelvic pain. Use of heating pads on the lower back area also may provide some temporary relief from the symptoms associated with endometriosis.

Another natural cure that can be used is natural progesterone cream. It needs to be rubbed on the wrists, arms, thighs, or chest at a dosage and schedule recommended by a professional doctor and monitored for the effects and reactions that might occur.

Due to the fact that another cause of endometriosis is stress, herbs and nutrients that alternative practitioners commonly recommend for stress reduction including Ashwaghandha, B vitamins, Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium and Ginger Tea are also known to be useful. Other stress reduction methods include Relaxation Response, Mindfulness Meditation and Diaphragmatic Breathing. Relaxation Response is a technique practiced by finding a quiet place and sitting in a comfortable position. Relaxing your muscles, closing your eyes, choosing a focus word, phrase, or prayer that has special meaning to you. Then breathing slowly and naturally for twenty minutes a day four times a week. Mindfulness meditation is similar but instead of focusing on something you passively listen to your own thoughts without judging them in the present moment. Diaphragmatic breathing is one more breathing technique which involves teaching one to breath with the diaphragm.

A final natural cure that may benefit those who have endometriosis is Hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy is a bath which involves sitting in a tub filled with hot water for three minutes and then getting up and sitting in another tub filled with cool water for one minute. The hot water cold water cycle is repeated another three times, and usually is not done during menstruation. As with any therapy or treatment a professional doctor should always be consulted.


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