The question on the effects of yeast infection on fertile cervical mucus is very common among many women. This is because the infection rate is very high and it concerns every woman who cares for her fertility. There are many theories that exist on this topic of yeast infections which some of them sound sensible. However, it is recommended that every woman should be diagnosed with this infection first before thinking of its effects on her fertility. This will enable her doctor to give reliable information on prevention and treatment if she is found to be infected. This article is designed to highlight some of the facts about yeast and its effect on woman's fertile cervical mucus.
Yeast can be described as the fungus that is easily inhabited in moist areas of the human body. They are commonly present around virginal areas since these are always moist. It survives well where there is moisture. It is in record that half of the healthy women have yeasts in their virginal area. This fact should not cause alarm to women since yeast in itself has no negative effect when it is kept under control. The yeast infection occurs when they increase above their normal level. The only thing that should be done to prevent it is to ensure that they do not increase. This is addressed later in this article.
The main concern of women on yeast infection is raised during their menstruation period. This is because during this period of three to seven days depending on individual woman, the virginal area is very moist. This is because of the discharge flow that increases the possibility of yeast increase which raises the chances of contracting infections. However, this can be prevented if proper hygiene is properly observed without compromise. This means that it is not that you must contract the infection just because you are menstruating. It is avoidable and doing this does not require any special knowledge. It only needs that you keep yourself clean by observing the hygienic measures given in this article later.
The issue of effect of yeast infection on your fertile cervical mucus during ovulation may be very low. The chances of you conceiving during this period when you have this particular infection might be very slim. This is because the infections affect the survival rate of the sperm in virginal area. What the infection does is that it creates unfriendly environment for the sperm to stay alive for long. In this case, the chances of fertilization are very slim. The cervical mucus may remain unaffected but you cannot conceive without healthy sperms.
When this happens, it is advisable that you seek to know how to prevent the infection well in advance. Naturally, women reproductive system has a way of cleansing itself. It is therefore recommended that you avoid douching always and if it is a must, you should do it on doctor's prescription. Other ways of preventing yeast infection is frequent changing of underwear, washing and drying your virginal area and using the cotton or silk underwear. This ensures that the amount of moisture in virginal area is minimized and controlled at all times.
Max is a writer who loves to read, write and share. If you need more information on yeast infection, visit his website at
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During the first stage of the cycle, the cervical mucus usually changes in abundance, color, consistency and fertile quality because of the increasing estrogen levels.
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