Jun 7, 2012

ProFema for Menopause Relief

Menopause is a natural process of aging yet it comes with some uncomfortable side effects such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue and mood swings. At any age a woman does not want to be slowed down by her body's balance and therefore there is a booming market for supplements aiming to provide comfort and relief for women going through this process.ProFema aims to combat these side effects. Although there are many supplements claiming to achieve the same, ProFema takes a different approach. Whilst other pills contain just the active ingredients...

Natrol Black Cohosh Review for Menopause Relief

Black Cohosh is an all-natural ingredient used for its medicinal properties. It is from the buttercup family and is a plant native to North America. In native American times this plant was used to treat a whole host of conditions such as menstrual cramps, muscle pain, sore throats, coughs, indigestion and arthritis.In more recent years it was used for rheumatism (arthritis and muscle pain) but has recently been found to be useful in the treatment for the side effects of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats. Black Cohosh also have some...

Necessary Tests in the First Quarter of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a major change in a woman's life, on the one hand the physical and mental changes characteristic of this period. First trimester of pregnancy and the first 12 weeks, is the most important and decisive stage in the future child's harmonious development.Unfortunately, over 60% of all pregnancies do not survive more than 2-3 months, or stop evolution or progress to miscarriage, without taking into account the multitude of voluntary abortions "on demand". Misconduct are the main causes that induce changes in chromosomal abnormalities...

Natural Cures for Endometriosis 3

Endometriosis is the medical condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus or endometrium cause pelvic pain in different ways. There are natural cures for endometriosis which vary from woman to woman depending on the effectiveness of the cure. There is no specific cure for endometriosis, in many people menopause will abate the process. One theory suggests that endometriosis is an auto immune condition. So in that case if the immune system is compromised with food intolerance, a cure is to remove that food from the diet and in some people...

Remifemin Review - Menopause Relief Supplement

As any woman who has or is soon to experience the symptoms of menopause knows, there is a great deal of physical and emotional discomfort associated with it. The strains put on the female body these days matched with the hormonal imbalances that are becoming all to common in today's society. Relief is not always easy to find, especially without the use of doctor prescribed medication. Remifemin is a compromise of sorts, and appeals even to those who do not enjoy taking herbal supplements.Many do not realize that herbal supplements can have the...

Ostomates and Childbirth

Many lady ostomates have questioned their ability to have children, and in the process have either postponed or done away with the idea of becoming pregnant. However, experience and studies have shown that ostomies are seldom a deterrent. Close professional monitoring throughout the gestation and delivery can just about assure a normal and memorable experience.Pre-Conception:Most doctors would likely recommend at least a year to recoup from the surgery followed by a complete medical evaluation to assess reproductive health before attempting conception....

Pregnancy Cravings: Dangerous or Not?

Pregnancy cravings are common and most women experience them. These strong food cravings are probably triggered by hormonal changes or a possible nutritional deficiency. They can happen at any stage of pregnancy, but commonly occur in the first trimester. In fact, pregnancy cravings in first semester can often be one of the first signs of pregnancy.Early pregnancy cravings can be mild or very intense. They are not dangerous for your health, but you need to remember that your baby needs all important nutrients so you need to resist the urge to...

Reserveage Menopause Advantage Pill

Hitting the menopause can be a stressful time with a lot of discomfort and unwelcome distractions from your busy daily life. Many supplements and menopause aids claim to help reduce symptoms and return your body to a comfortable state. Menopause Advantage is a new supplement claiming to do just that.The main issue as women age is the reduction in the hormone estrogen which is higher when a woman in of a fertile age. The reduction in this hormone creates an unbalance, which at first can cause negative side effects. By combining two key ingredients,...

Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones

There are many pills and supplements designed to help women during menopause, many containing a very long list of ingredients. Some would argue that it is healthier to take supplements individually. Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones is a supplement used during the menopause for hormonal unbalance. One of the key issues in the female body during menopause is the unbalance of hormones and lack of estrogen. Nature's Way Soy Isoflavones aims to bring the body back to normal hormonal level, which in turn reduces many unwelcome side effects of the menopause....

Preventing Yeast Infections 101

Yeast infections affect 3 out of 4 women. Many are recurring sufferers without a clue in preventing yeast infections, which can be annoying and embarrassing most of the time. Some of us don't like to admit it, because of the "nasty" opinions others put on us, but it's really not that serious and it's completely natural. The irritation, the itching, and the discomfort can make you crazy. The sad part is when you think it's vanished; it sneaks right back on you and sometimes even worse than before, making your life miserable.The key if you suffer...

Overcoming Endometriosis With Natural Medicine

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that normally lines your uterus (called the endometrium) starts to grow outside your uterus. It can grow on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, the inside lining of your abdominal cavity and the outside surfaces of your uterus or intestine. It can also occur in your liver, legs or lungs.Implants of endometrial tissue are made of the same uterine tissue that you shed each month during menstruation. These implants also break up every month and cause internal bleeding, inflammation, chronic pelvic pain and scar tissue....

Remedies for Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Overactive bladder syndrome can cause quite a bit of discomfort in the lives of those who have the condition. During the night, sufferers may wake up several times to relieve themselves. They may even find it difficult to attend work functions without having to take multiple breaks. If individuals discover that they are urinating frequently, they should see a urologist. A professional can take note of the symptoms and determine whether further tests will be needed to make a formal diagnosis. In very rare cases, the underlying cause might be bladder...

Live Like a Fashionista

As a woman of style like you; your home is a huge part in being a fashionista. If you are like me, your apartment is extremely small. Take good care of your apartment, paint when it needs to be done, clean up after yourself, all apartments are not the same. Set up a simple routine that you follow everyday; if you have to vacuum everyday to keep your carpets looking clean then that is what you need to do, dust, make sure to clear away the clutter that builds up on a day to day basis. Pick up your child's toys and put them away. Treat your home...

Recent Study Indicates Women's Fertility Declines At 27

Balancing a professional and personal life is a difficult task for any woman and a recent study that indicates fertility is decreasing at a younger age than previously thought is not making that task any easier.Previous studies suggested that a woman's ability to conceive did not start to decline until her 30's, but a new study indicates that the decline actually begins at 27-years-old. The study even indicates that there could be up to a 50% decrease in fertility by the time a woman turns 30 years of age.Many women, who previously didn't think...

Sexual Wellness As a Path to Freedom


Smart Women and Their Relationship With Money

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the day strategizing with a group of smart women entrepreneurs from different parts of the world. It was an energizing day focused on topics such as effective marketing, clear messaging to attract your ideal client, time management and money.At one point, women were expressing the challenges they face in getting everything accomplished each day including running a business, managing a family, and hopefully time to squeeze in a little self-care.I shared with the group that when I'm in the office, I ask myself...

Plan B Dressing - The Quick Grab and Wear Plan

A networking associate posed a question to me last week. She said that when getting dressed, she often forgets what she has in her wardrobe that can be worn together. Although her clothes hang in colour groups, this system provides no reminder and she often defaults to her favourite combination. Did I have any ideas to help her?I like to plan ahead what I am going to wear. Not everyone is like that and even this plan does not always work. Disaster can strike at any time - clothes get ruined, you missed that stain, something rips as you put it...

How To Try On A Bra To Find the Correct Size

When trying on a bra which hooks should I use?A common question from the ladies in the fitting room, some people have told them this others that, and from the point of view of buying lingerie you need to know the correct way to avoid wasting money on bras that you won't be able to wear in a month.The answer can depend on your age or whether you are pregnant.A teenager is still growing and their chest size and ribcage is likely to expand, in some cases at tremendous rates. This means that a young woman up until she has stopped growing should be...

How to Use Red, Yellow and Blue to Boost Your Emotions, Your Business and Your Natural Beauty

Colour is all around us. It would be very boring if we lived only in a black and white world. Colour adds interest, excitement, relaxation and individuality to our lives.It is a visual language that we all respond to. Not everyone has learnt to tap into the unspoken emotional power of colour. When you travel or look at images from other parts of the world, it is interesting to let go of your learned responses and notice how other cultures and environments interpret the meaning of the same colours.Red, yellow and blue are the basis from which all...

How to Choose the Best Human Hair Extensions

Are you on the hunt for your next batch of hair extensions? Whether you want to apply your extenders yourself or have them professionally applied, there are plenty of options on the market. Some hair extension aficionados swear by human hair extensions. For the ultimate in luxurious extensions, consider natural ones.Characteristics• Fine, virgin hair is chosen for extensions. This will give you the best quality extenders possible.• The cuticles of this type of hair extension are all aligned in the same way. This ensures that the extenders won't...

Is Lansinoh Affinity Breast Pump Effective?

If you have been asking the question, whether the Lansinoh Affinity breast pump is effective, then the answer is right here. After reading this article you will agree with me that there is no other breast pump that can work the same as the Lansinoh Affinity pump does. If you are looking for a cheaper pump that will not give you hard time cleaning it, then this is the breast pump for you as it has fewer parts for you to clean.If you have just had your first child, and you do not have any experience with electric breast pumps, then you should purchase...

How to Choose a Pair of Shoes for Women

Imagine a woman preparing to go out on a fine Sunday morning. She spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, putting on makeup and choosing the best dress to match her lipstick. Suddenly, she realized that she does not have the right pair of shoes to match her current attire. This is without a doubt, a woman's worst nightmare. That is why a woman is usually very particular about her footwear.In general, 9 out of 10 men cannot understand why a woman needs so many pairs of shoes. So naturally, we expect women to be experts in choosing shoes. But...

Healthy Eating Does Matter to Ovarian Cyst Sufferers

Everything in your body is reacting to your eating habits. Everything. You know you get low on energy at times, but did you know that poor eating habits can contribute to the formation of ovarian cysts?Your body is fighting itself to get a share of the meager nutrition you are putting in it if you are one with poor eating habits.Everyone knows healthy eating is important, but many people think they just haven't time to worry about it, or they think they will start tomorrow. Temptation is everywhere. Candy jars on desks at work, Fast food places...

The Fashionista's Checklist for Spring

I just did a little research on what was Hot for spring and summer, I didn't find some things I thought I would like wedges and any kind of sunglasses Michael Kors whole collection was snubbed -*insert evil laugh here* I am sorry but fashionistas don't go hunting or wear clothes that make us look like we do. But here is the list, are you ready? The fashionista Check list:• Mint green as a skirt or a shirt a bag, this color is it for spring and summer among other pastels I have seen floating around the fashion mags• Orange is another color that...

Make Peace With Your Mum

They say a picture speaks a thousand words but sometimes photos lie. They can tell the truth for one person but the other person may be hiding unresolved emotions.In a photo of me and my mum in 2005 that is the way it was for me. I had unresolved anger.My 90 year old mum has since passed away. This is my legacy from her and a plea to you.Just after the photo was taken in 2005, a friend and his sister visited me. I was overwhelmed by the anger she felt that her long-deceased mum had never appreciated her and her talents. It was still consuming...

How to Make Her Day Special - Tiaras From Dressup Days to the Real Wedding

Little girls love tiaras. Your little girl probably played princess, or wedding, or maybe Miss America pageant. Maybe she's still in the midst of the days of crowns and rhinestones and the fancy dress-up pageant. There's just something about rhinestone tiaras that makes a little girl feel beautiful. When she gets older, she may not play princess or wedding anymore, but it's still fun to take a break from real life and let your (not-so) little girl feel like a princess again. Here's how you can use rhinestone, crystal, or pageant tiaras to help...

How Do Women Avoid Breaking Down In Front Of Others?

You've all done it at some point in your life. Perhaps it was that comment made by a superior at work, or at the board meeting; or perhaps it was just your being too tired or ragged to have control over holding back those tears. It was your worst moment in your life, including your cracking voice; and the more you tried to stop, the worst it got.As a woman you are an emotional breed that embodies the extremes of caring and crying at any time of the day. However, at work you try to be professional and to not only fit in with the executive males;...

How to Use Orange, Purple and Green to Strengthen Your Words, Actions and Natural Colouring

The world would be a boring place without colour. Most of us are visual and we instantly judge people and places through the colours we see on. Our language is full of colour words which we use to vividly describe our feelings on everything that is happening in our lives.Colour can invoke feelings of happiness like the colours of a festival; prejudice like the different skin colour of someone we meet or daydreaming like the colours of a favourite holiday place.Green, orange and purple are called secondary colours. They are the colours made up...

Skin Care

There are a lot of people that struggle to understand how to go about caring for the skin on their face well. This article describes how you can be sure that you are finding the best ways to care for your face.When you want to learn how you are going to take care of your face, you should be sure that you are wise about daily care. As you take the time that you need to be consistent you have to make sure that you are developing a daily routine that is going to be beneficial for your skin and face.First, you should make sure that you take the time...

How to Look Younger

The search for eternal youth is a never ending quest. This is also why almost every 'revolutionary' product in the market that promises youthful appearance is lapped up eagerly by people. In the area of skin aging, wrinkles are the biggest enemy of a radiant, youthful appearance. When the collagen levels of the skin decrease with age or due to sun exposure, the skin loses its elasticity which results in wrinkles or premature aging. Even though home remedies such as the use of milk, honey, egg whites and honey may result in the skin looking smooth...

How to Reintroduce Yourself to Yourself

How would you introduce yourself to someone you just met for the first time? Would you say?"Please allow me to introduce my friend, Sally. You know, Sally is quite a fascinating woman - you see, she's always taking such good care of herself, she always makes herself a priority, always going beyond her comfort zone. She works full time, manages her home, takes care of her children and parents, eats so healthily, exercises regularly, travels to new and exciting places, attends weekly yoga classes and still manages to find time to meet up with her...